Sunday 30 November 2014

So there goes that theory.

During a run the concept of time somehow becomes wildly skewed. Seconds seem like minutes; minutes seem like hours. It seems suitable too during some runs how the weather from start to finish can change wildly. 
The weather was unseasonably mild today for the last day of November. It was 11 degrees and overcast. So after we got home from church and lunch and errands I decided to break my treadmill streak and fall in love again with outdoor running. Laced up the sneakers, put on capris and a tshirt and my trusty black cap. I hummed and hawed over a light coat and since it had looked like rain all day I figured, why not.
Well the first 10 minutes into the run I was regretting the coat as I was getting hot. I run a "big block" of 6k and after about 1k out it opens up into farmers fields. Once you get out there all of a sudden the weather can seem different from the protective houses that line our street. 
All of a sudden the wind picked up. And I could see the dark clouds roll in. At this point I was 3.5k in and knew I had no choice but to endure. The rain. The wind. The cold. 11 degrees became a thing of the past. But at 5k I returned to the protection of houses and by 6k got home, peeled my soaking wet jacket from my skin and quickly changed. The life of a runner. 
Also as I was running I thought of this ecard and laughed. 

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