Saturday 15 November 2014

Thanks, Sport Chek!

I like doing new things, gaining new experiences. And I love running clothes and accessories. When I heard collingwood was getting a sport Chek I was over joyed! Until this point all we have locally is one over priced faddy "sports" store that rarely has real sales.
I read that though the opening was Thursday the grand opening was Saturday and the first 75 in line get a gift card ranging from 25-1000 dollars. Free running stuff? I'm there. Well I've never in my life done this...this stand in line and wait hours before a place opens to get a deal thing. It was a new experience. 
I wasn't sure when to arrive. The store was set to open for 9am so I set my alarm for 6:30. Turns out I woke up on my own at 5:30 and wondered why. I left home at 7 in a thick sweater, coat, hat, mitts and boots. The temperature read -2. As a good Canadian I picked up a Tim Hortons coffee on my way. I arrived to about 30 some odd people in line at 7:15. I was safe. Now, the waiting game. -2 isn't really that cold. But, in November when it's the first you've experienced below zero temperatures, and standing still, in the shade, on gets to you. I'm thankful for my coffee and that I brought a book! Reading it was a challenge with gloves on...and it was difficult to focus on the words with my cold body (fingers, toes, legs) and my mind trying to ease drop on the surrounding conversations. 
Slowly people accumulated and mentally calculated the number in line to ensure their frigid wait was worth their while. 
Waiting has its benefits. An opportunity to pause and focus is much needed in our busy culture. Plus the opportunity to study people is always enjoyable. I wondered at their stories. And also why there were very few recognizable faces when I've lived in this area nearly my entire life. 
At about 8:45 a few men came out and explained the deal. They'd be coming down the line having you sign a waiver and receive a numbered card. The rules were you had to be over 16 (they said they'd check ID but they didn't. The girl in front of me was 15 but she got a card) and that though the flyer stated one per household they were going to give cards to the first 75 people over 16. This of course infuriated the back of the liners who now had a jeopardized chance of getting a card. I thought I may see a fight. I have to agree it's unfair they don't follow through with their advertised promise. But, I also agree with the shouts from front of liners of "you should have come earlier". She claimed she'd been in line for 2 hours and I hadn't even been in line that long, so she was stretching the truth out of frustration. 
So, I recieved my laminated number 37 and read the terms and conditions on that back. Some of those terms and conditions did not prove true but I kept my mouth shut, thankful for the promise of a gift card and a warm place to escape into. As we came through the doors we handed our numbered card to the man who had a black bag. We stuck our hands inside and pulled out a gift card with a sticker saying "peel here". Of course my hands were frozen so I asked an employee to help peel it off. I was very excited to see this:
I knew I'd get at least 25 but 50 is bonus. The card expired in two days so I knew I had to spend it. Then the real challenge started. On what?? On myself? On others for Christmas gifts? The whole store was still on 25% off so the possibilities were numerous. After looking around for about half an hour I picked up the following:
A grid foam roller and some awesome ski socks. With discounts and gift cards and taxes I paid just under ten dollars. The line up to the til was super long but it was to be expected on opening day, with sales and 75 people wandering around with "free" money that had an expiry date attached. Also in line I spoke to a nice couple who mentioned they'd stood next to the lady who ended up getting the 1000 dollar gift card. They said she was very kind, had 3 kids and needed to get them all new snowsuits so I'm thankful she got the card. Those kids will have a great Christmas! Plus I was thinking...what stress to spend 1000 in less than 2 days! Eek. I wouldn't want it :)
Overall it was a good experience. Would I stand in line again nearly two hours for a deal? Undecided. But I'm glad I did it. And I'm glad our town now has a Sport Chek. 

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