Friday 14 November 2014

Breaking up is hard to do (with shoes).

Finally, after 672.5km on my runners I got myself a new pair. I'm very particular about running shoes. In my 2 years running I've learned I like Asics and New Balance. Mainly because I need the wide toe box and they are both reputable brands.
Usually I make 2-3 trips to different stores that sell running shoes and do my research online. My criteria usually includes: a New Balance or Asics, a wide toe box, midline stability and of course, something pretty. I usually go for middle of the line price point as well because I'm not made of money but I don't want to wreck myself. 

But, as I opened and admired my new shoes I got a little sad about saying goodbye to my old shoes. You may find this silly but I've been through a lot with my old purple and teal asics. 

I got these shoes in the spring of 2014 in April because of a sale. I knew I wouldn't need them until June though. 

Running lots is a doubled edged sword. Running more is doing more of what you love but things wear out so much quicker. Though I feel like these shoes had a full and fulfilling life it went by too fast. 

In these shoes I: 
-came in 1st for my age category for the barrie waterfront 10k June 2014
-walked the scleroderma 5k with my family to support the research of a disease near and dear to my heart 
- ran my first 8k- a local canada day race that's been around for 46 years. 

- flew to Alberta and ran some of the most breath taking trails I've ever seen. 
-ran a 10k in BC!

-climbed a mountain. A real mountain. I now know why hiking gear exists and I wouldn't suggest ever climbing a mountain in running shoes but regardless, climbing a mountain changes you. 
-ran my third half marathon less than 12 hours after getting back to Ontario on limited sleep and fuel.
- ran my 4th half marathon, a local race, and got myself a PB on a challenging quad. 
- ran a 10k on my 26th birthday with a sub 50 that I've been gunning to break since doing it once in April. Also got 1st in my age category, won a pie and was sung to on the podium. 
-ran a Remembrance Day 5k alongside my running hero, Krista Duchene. 
And of course, all the hundreds of "training" runs in between. 

Needless to say these shoes have become a part of me. They hold so many great memories and it's hard to put them aside and start a relationship with someone new. My heart breaks at the thought. 
Then of course I catch sight of these beautiful girls and don't feel so bad. 
Because I know that they too will hold many beautiful memories I've yet to make. 

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