Tuesday 30 June 2015

Try Something New: June: Aqua Fit

So..we dropped the ball slightly. If you've been following our "try something new" adventure you'll notice this blip between April and May. It's this thing called life. Also with spring running season for me and coordinating schedules with Heather...oh boy. So stay tuned for our attempt to make up our missed months.

SO! On the last day of June we squeaked in Aqua Fit. We discussed it for June and by the time we found a free weekend they changed the schedule on us. Lo and behold we found the schedule that Aqua Fit is run Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-7.

Heather and I met at the Centennial Aquatic Centre, a newly renovated facility. Previous to it there was an outdoor pool reminiscent to the public pool in my favourite movie, the sandlot. (It is a closed in building now).

We went in and told the receptionist we were there for Aqua Fit. It cost $4 for a one time entry. We were directed to very nice change rooms but were already in our swim suits. We took a quick rinse off as per the signage.

My previous understand of Aqua Fit was that it was for the elderly. I didn't have much expectation in terms of what I'd get out of the workout but knew it would be fun regardless as it was something new and with a good friend!

There were 10 people in the class in total, all women, from ages 25-60. There were no real old people there and about half were under 35ish I'd say. There was another lady there for her first time as well so we all just followed the others when they got out what looked like foam dumbbells which by the way we never even used.

The class was an hour long. We started with leg lifts and progressively built each motion quicker and quicker. We did a bunch of different moves that engaged core, legs and arm muscles. Some of the moves were actually quite challenging with the resistance of the water and trying to keep your core engaged. I was told you can make it even more challenging by going in the deep end as then you have the tread water as well. I wasn't ready for that as I find treading water challenging.

Did I mention I love being in the water? Because I absolutely do. I can't wait to go swimming in Georgian Bay. Soon...so soon! I'm not a very strong swimming but I'd like to become better. Which ultimately means I likely can't continue to swim with a noodle...

We did some moves with a pool noodle as well behind our back/arms with our bodies floating and our legs pushing. It was quite the range of motion for all the joints.

I was pleasantly surprised by the workout. I wouldn't call it high fitness by any means but I see the value in it for myself as a runner. Aqua fit is similar to something like yoga as it stretches and works out tight muscles in the legs and hips. I think it would be a great class to work into my running schedule.

I also like how laid back of an atmosphere it was as Heather and I were aloud to talk and not get shushed or separated. You can do the moves at an easier pace or make it more challenging and no one centers you out or makes you feel bad if you are doing it wrong or differently.

They also had a "warm pool" we were able to go in after which felt like a giant bath. It was nice. I didn't feel like we had to rush out for anything which was nice. As the weather is getting nicer I will be swimming more in the bay but it's nice to know there is an affordable, not crowded facility with open swimming times and different classes I can enjoy my love of swimming through.

Enjoy the following series of somewhat awkward photos of Heather and I post Aqua Fit.

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