Tuesday 20 January 2015

Running Firsts

Ask any runner which was their most significant or memorable race and more often than not you'll get the answer "my first". I've been running now for coming on 3 years this fall and I've done 4 half marathons. I will never ever forget my first half marathon. The first time you run a distance is full of unknowns, you doubt whether or not you can actually achieve it, then you get to a point where you realize you can and will and once you do the feeling of accomplishment is overwhelming! Though your second, third, fourth...twentieth will have it's memorable moments, there is nothing quite like that first one.

I love to collect running firsts. First time running the entire 6km block without walking, first time running double digits, first time running a half marathon, first run in the rain, first age category medal, first time on the podium, etc.

Today, after nearly 3 years running I collected a new first. One I was hoping never to collect.

You see, as already mentioned, I am currently doing the Get Out There Magazine 30 day challenge (#GOT30daychallenge) in which you are active for 30 minutes daily for 30 consecutive days. It's a great motivator. BUT, as a result of the season my weeks have looked like this:
Monday: ladies bootcamp
Tuesday: Ski
Wednesday: ladies bootcamp
Thursday: run
Friday: run
Saturday: run
Sunday: run

and don't get my wrong, I LOVE to run. However, as it has been cold and snowy and icy and windy all my runs have been indoors. Running on the treadmill is a means to an end. I am thankful for a very nice treadmill in my basement. I am thankful for access to an ipad with netflix. But when I run on the treadmill I feel so challenged, it seems too difficult to "keep up" with speeds that feel like a crawl outdoors...what's with that? And the temptation to step off the 'mill for a quick sec to drink some water or respond to a text or check my instagram feed....well, it's far too tempting. So did I really run that full 8km in 40 some odd minutes? likely more like 5 of the 8. After 4 days in a row of "2 episodes of Friends" on the treadmill (yes this is how I measure the duration of treadmill runs) I feel like I am on groundhogs day.

So sometimes I have to force myself to bundle up and get my butt outside when at all possible. Possible is the hard part. I am at work until 4:30/5ish regularly and by the time I get home it's dark. So many dangers. Living in a rural area the roads are seldom plowed and I have no sidewalk, just a slender shoulder.

Sunday I got outside for an outdoor run and it was pretty darn nice. It was 3 degrees out and the roads were somewhat bare! Except of course for the side of the road on which I needed to run, but for the most part I ran the road until cars came. I was a happy lady.

Tuesdays now I am back to my ladies bible study so I cannot go with the girls skiing. It's fine, I'll go another night. I was overjoyed on recess duty today as it was clear, the sun was shining and there was ZERO wind. Bright blue skies...it was chilly, sure but not THAT bad if you're dressed right. It was -11C I believe.

So I quickly hustled home from school, got home by 4:30, got layered up (thick socks, running tights, running skirt (my hips and bum are ALWAYS cold), base layer, sweater, jacket, neck warmer, hat, mitts, running watch...WHEW. Sometimes I swear it takes longer to get dressed to run 5k than it does to actually run 5k in the winter. I was out the door by 4:51. The sun sets at about 5:15. I had to boogie!

The roads were snow packed, but not too bad. My music lasted about 2km until my phone froze (so thankful for my Polar M400 that doesn't freeze!) so I had to listen to the silence and the crunch crunch crunch of my feet. This is when I started to pray. I continued to run and when I got to about 3.5km I was making my way around a cul-de-sac when WOOP down I went. A new running first ladies and gentleman, my first fall. I've slipped before, sure. But nothing like this, completely went flying, hit the ground: knee, shin, hip. Also, because my music was kaput I also got to hear myself shout some strange noise. I quickly hopped up, embarrassed, hoping no one saw, and carried on. Of course the first ten steps or so were painful but the pain slowly subsided. I am hoping it doesn't get worse by tomorrow but fear that it may.

Other than the fall and frozen phone it was a good run, a beautiful run really with the clear sky, purpleish pink sunset and new fluffy snow covering everything. I also have to remember that my pace is going to be slower on snow and ice, as it should be. Also I had a KILLER (awesome) ladies bootcamp workout last night so I was working out soreness and tightness from that as well.

I am hoping this was my first and last running fall and that as I continue to run through the winter that there are more clear, sunny, mild days for outdoor runs and that treadmill runs wont seem so monotonous.

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