Saturday 21 February 2015

Try Something New: February: Zumba

Last month my fitness partner-in-crime Heather and I tried a Barre class. I wouldn't call it an overall success. But it was an experience. 
So this month was Heather's choice and she chose Zumba. Old Amelia would never have darkened that doorstep. Rhythm and I aren't friends. But I've got to a point in my life with my own physical abilities that I am loving trying new things that are so far from my comfort levels. It's funny how our January and February classes were both so dance-based. 
I like to "dance like no ones watching" and have lots of fun moving about. Does it look good? Likely not. Since learning to play the ukulele I'd say my understanding of music has definitely improved. But anything is an improvement from where it started from. As a child in jazz I couldn't "hear the beat" or rhythm. At all. I thought it was a made up thing. 
SO! we decided on Zumba and my mother told me an old family friend had a daughter that taught at a small studio in town. So we agreed upon this Saturday. 
The class was 11:15-12:15. Heather picked me up and we arrived at shortly before 11. A group of small girls in leotards were in the studio adorably floating about finishing up their ballet class. We signed waivers and paid our 10 dollar drop in fee. 
The advice I was given was "stand at the back and if there are mirrors, don't look at them." Of course the whole front was mirrors. 
We did steps from different styles of dance like salsa and hip hop. All the steps started out slow and simple and would build into movement combinations. We were told to focus on the feet and not worry about much about arms if it was a challenge and that the point was just to keep moving, even if what you were doing didn't quite look like what the instructor was doing. Which I'm sure it didn't from time to time, or often. 
Overall it was a great time! It was a great workout. I was certainly sweating in a tank top and yoga pants. (This time I googled what to wear to Zumba to avoid the last class in which I just wore typical running clothes.) next time I'd wear capris or shorts. And did you know there was such thing as Zumba shoes? Less tread for more side to side dance motions. Not necessary but fun if it's something you are really into. 
It was neat to learn different dance steps and I felt like I was starting to get it. Then I'd look at Heather and she'd look exceptionally silly. So I knew I did too. It all was moving so quickly that you didn't really have time to look at the others but when I stole a glance I realized none of us made it look like the instructor did, but that's okay! 
I liked how each song was a different "workout" and style of dance with a brief break in between. The moves all followed the song so I'd start to anticipate what moves were to come. 
Some of them I did not get AT ALL. But I was having fun. You can't do a Zumba class without smiling or laughing. 

My negatives are few. I still felt a little out of place, Heather made the comment too that we feel more athletic than a graceful dancer type. We are bootcamp girls and I can't expect any other class to give me the same feelings of home like bootcamp or running. But it was close! The class was largely in part enjoyable due to a great teacher! (The teacher makes the class always. Of course I feel that way.) 
Is it something I'd do again? I think so! I'd like to go with a new friend each time just for the entertainment value alone. Not friends that have a natural rhythm or dance ability. That would be obnoxious :)
Chalk February's "try something new" up as a success! Who knows, maybe I'll inadvertently become a better dancer (with actual "dance moves") as a result :) I look forward to seeing what March will bring! 

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