Thursday 14 January 2016

Winter Running

I'm conflicted.

I know that summer bodies are made in the winter.
(so they say)
What I really know is Christmas treats leap in my mouth unbeknownst to me.
I know that I have registered myself for a spring half and a handful of 5 and 10kms
(which means training schedules have begun)
I do this to keep myself motivated.

But winter's the worst.
I really struggle with it.

What are my options?

Running outside.
Well, where I live winter took its time coming. Then it came all at once. So its freezing cold and no matter how much I layer I still end up being frozen in my hips and rear. (Seriously, I've tried everything). I live in a rural area as well so I don't have clear roads or sidewalks. I fear slipping or going over on an ankle or pulling a muscle from the cold and slipping.

Running inside.
Aka the treadmill.
Ah the treadmill.
I love that it allows me to run inside but other than that, I hate it.

I'm half inclined to write a "Dear treadmill" version of Kobe Bryant's "Dear Basketball". It's a work in progress in my mind.

I'm a quitter.
I quit baseball. I quit soccer. I quit dance.
This is why running is the sport for me.
You can't quit when you're 3km from home. You have to get home.

The treadmill is different. On the treadmill you can quit. You can step off and yet those magic miles still count up!
You can walk away and get a snack and before you know it, you've run 5 miles!

And those treadmill minutes... they sure do drag.

So I don't know which is the lesser of the two evils. All I know is I love running.
Some times more than others.

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